Common safety convention dictates that you
take your baby's coat or snow suit off. The extra padding hinders the ability of a seat harness to hold the baby tight enough to keep him safe in a car crash.
This paragraph below is from an article on Consumer repeats what many car seat experts recommend is to take off your babys snow suit, and use a simple blanket to keep your baby not only warm but safe in their car seat during the colder months.
Baby Basics: Car Seat Safety
Take off the wraps. If you need to keep your baby warm, place blankets or thick coats over her after you strap her into an infant or convertible car seat. Don’t wrap your baby up in a blanket, thick coat or other bulky garment and then strap her into a restraint system. That may prevent the restraint system from working properly.You can read more from this article by copying and pasting the url below into your browser window.
My Carseat Blankie has a variety of blankies that are designed to fit perfect with your infant and toddler car seats.
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Order one today so you're ready for the cooler weather ahead!